Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 3: Skyline

Day three is earlee! I made a rhyme, something like that doesn't happen all the time. Actually, it does. Sometimes I rhyme just cuz. ;D

Okay, enough with that!

So today I close at work so that means 
no running at sunset.  I actually got up somewhat early (9:30ish) and lugged myself to the park to go for a run around the track. It certainly was a different view and a nice change of scenery. Instead of bats all over the place it was dragonflies. I could actually see what construction was going on. I also had a wonderful view of the downtown skyline,  which leads to today's photo prompt.

 I am fortunate enough to run at Woodlawn Lake, which is right outside of downtown and from a certain point on the trail, you get a beautiful view of the downtown skyline. I love my state and my hometown, but I really wish today could've been a photo of the beautiful Austin skyline. That is my dream city. But I'll be taking photos there soon hopefully, so I guess today I can settle for San Antonio. :)

So yesterday, my cousin and sister posted an image up on Pinterest that perfectly describes my running experience. So I've decided to share this here.

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